Saturday 24 March 2012

Get a life!

Seeing as whirlpooled hasn't posted anything about the new member of the family, mighty moon-sama has come to give this blog a good hard nudge in the rear because she's unhappy, and needs a place to rant.


I, personally, find this terribly offensive. I consider myself a gamer, not a great one, just one who has a particular OCD about getting every item you can get ingame. (Which is why the PS3's trophy collection idea should have never been realized, but anyway).

For non-gamers, a legendary game is coming up for release, the great Diablo III, announced way back in 2000, (if my memory serves me right) but constant delays kept pushing back the release date. It's finally coming out in May and needless to say, has gamers all over the world frothing at the mouth. I'm actually looking forward to getting my hands on this than Skyrim and Assassin's Creed III put together. I mean, a game that took these guys a decade to make? Seriously!

But when I was discussing the finer points of pre-ordering the game against getting it later with my cousins, friends of his started popping up left and right, commenting things like "another game? You already don't have a life." Or, "May-June, MIA at work." Or, "What a waste of money, your gf sure not happy."

I wished I had those whacking sticks to whack those annoying moles back whence they came.

Really, no life? I beg to differ. Gaming is and always has been, many peoples' past-time. A great stress-relieving tool, a chance to escape your sucky life for an hour or two. And if you think about it, gaming is actually MUCH better as a past-time than other more socially-approved mediums.

For example, a typical past-time that a typical girl has. One thing comes to mind. Shopping. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, and I'm not saying only girls shop. (guys, you guys shop too, ADMIT IT!) Let's break it down, shall we?

Buy a game, anything from $40-$100, entertainment value, anything from 10 hrs-100 hrs. (Depending on how severe your OCD is).

Go out to shop, 10 hrs, just 10 hrs, your credit card will die and your entire family will eat grass for the rest of the month.

Here's another example. Watching TV. (Again, I'm not saying watching TV is bad, but....) What do you do when you watch TV? You..... watch it. If someone was to put an MRI machine on you to check your brain activity, it'll probably show a flat line.

What about gaming then? You plant yourself in front of the screen as well, right? Well, yes and no. When you game, you have to problem solve a lot of the time. How to get to that goddamned ledge to get that goddamned treasure. How to kill that goddamned boss without getting your own arse handed to you. Strategy, strategy, strategy.

In fact, scientific research has proven that playing mah-jong is better than watching TV, as mah-jong prevents Alzheimer's. They even have Wii's at some old age homes now! (I may have fabricated the first point but the second point is true. Google it.)

And who says one can't work when one is a gamer? I hold a job, I think I do pretty good by it, and yet I completed 3 Assassin's Creed games in under 2 weeks. (Don't ask me how I did it, I have no idea myself). I'm not bragging about completing games, I'm proving a point that a gamer can function in normal society. It's as simple as "SAVE" and "POWER OFF".

So, in conclusion, all hobbies are terrible because they waste time and money. We should all just do 4 things in life. Sleep, Work, Eat, Procreate. Oh and taking dumps, that's 5. Only problem with that, 2 weeks of just those 5 activities will turn any normal human being into salivating, gun-toting mass murderers. Therefore, dear non-gamers who think themselves superior because they have far more constructive hobbies to attend to, shut up about gaming already.

Because when a zombie apocalypse hits, you guys are gonna be the first to die. Trust me.