Friday 24 June 2011

[game] Dragon Age: the game(s) that established as scientific fact that men evolved from darkspawn


"Dragon Age III: Bloodlust". Ftw, anyone? Or is it just Lust?"


Look at the time... What? It's 3 am in the morning of June the 24th and I've only sat down in front of the PS to start playing Dragon Age I: Origins all the way through Dragon Age II, in, oh... when was that again?... ah, that's right... ONE whole month ago.

By the way, this is all M's fault.

Dragon Age Origins could be fatal if avoided, poisonously fatal if indulged, and all because of one character named Alistair: accidentally romantic, clumsy, tragically vengeful if faulted and irresistably *hawt* ... that is, until, he turned 26+ in Dragon Age II. Yeah, in a cameo appearance in Dragon Age II (in which he becomes royalty if played to that ending, or a mad drunk if played to a different, more tragic conclusion) Alistair became a lazy programmer's late-night-party-drinking-morning-after-hangover version of Alister, King of Fereldan, btw, and if you must know, kick-ass tanker and sword-and-shield warrior who eats darkspawn ogres for breakfast... and I mean that... literally.

"Hmm... That's a switch."

What did that programmer decide to feed him these past 6 years in Dragon Age's Ferelden? Did they run out of stew? It caused some sort of genetic deformation in him. At least, they kept his hair intact.

"Swooping is bad..."

Of course, then, there's Fenris: the grumpy dwarf, i mean, elf, who gave brooding, angsty emo a whole new set of tight, black and shiny wardrobe. Sexy, in his feisty 'i hate all bleeding mages' mode (especially with another tight-pants Balthier's voice-acting) but a little exhausting to romance. Could I venture to say that conversation in Dragon Age II took psychological stress to a whole new level?

Indeed, Fenris is best when he is brooding, moping or whatever Varric can come up with, in a solitary corner and reading a book, or at least, trying to. Heh!

Anyhow, this is just a short post to reassure you that I'm alive and not drowned in darkspawn. But I DID wish Dragon Age II had a better ending... the whole world ending in chaos just seems a bit... depressing. The Champion, after all, worked her way up in society from nothing all the way to.... nothing again? Hm... What's up with that, I wonder?

Dragon Age III: Qunari War against the Tevinter Mages, anyone? Or shall it be Ferelden vs. the Orlais Empire? Hah! We'll see!


Dragon Age I: Origins (my choice of Human Female Noble Rogue, later, Warden-Commander Queen)

Dragon Age II (my choice of Human Female Rogue, later, Ex-Smuggler, Templar-Killer, Mage-Supporter War Renegade)

...and her bed warmer, I mean, partner, Fenris...

Mimi, the Noble Feline Beast, who warmed the PS3 for the entire month and stood by me through darkspawn and poltergeists (I was scared in Varric's brother's haunted house!!!)

and finally, a, er, rather funny situation in Dragon Age II with Anders in the Deep Roads...
(Note: Look at the red dots in the map at the top right hand corner)

Anders: "As a Grey Warden,
I can sense other Wardens even in the Deep Roads...
(glances behind me)...
Or, of course, it could just be Darkspawn..."

Hawke: (silent thought) "Mistaking Darkspawn for a Grey Warden, yeah...
...but an ENTIRE horde of them????
Come on!"


If you notice, I like the hairstyle and the white/silver/platinum-blonde hair on my characters! They could be lost sisters, who knows?!! They're both from Ferelden, anyway... Haha!

Keep it cool & Love all,


  1. Why is it my fault that Alistair seduced you? It's all Alistair's fault, not mine!

    The next time I play this game, I'm playing as a female human mage (who apparently is from the Amell family too) in DA:O who then puts Anora on the throne and she runs away with Alistair.

    DA II will be a female mage who runs away with Fenris.

    All hail the Amell women!

    BTW, what happened to the chatbox?!


  2. Female human mage can run away with Alistair?? Tell me how to do that!!!

