Tuesday 15 May 2012

People can be so stupid

Moon here will admit, (W and K knows, I think) that she has thinly veiled contempt for immigrants that come from a particularly crass, noisy and moral-less country known as China. (Though a lot of the times, M completely omits the veil.)

Recently, the news have been abuzz with the tragic accident at Bugis, where a Ferrari traveling near Mach speed beat the red light, crashed into a taxi, which then sent the said taxi flying into a motorcyclist nearby. The Ferrari driver (a foreigner from above mentioned country) died horribly (an almost clean decapitation, I heard), the taxi driver succumbed to his wounds, via bleeding in the brain, the Japanese lady passenger he was carrying also died and the motorcyclist had a spinal injury and I wouldn't be surprised if he was paralyzed for life.

Tragic, it's very very tragic, made worse that the Taxi driver was the sole breadwinner and his eldest daughter might have to put her university studies on hold, his two younger sons were going to take their 'O's and 'A's this year. Very sad.

That's it right? Well, if this was it, Moon will have just cursed the stupidity of the Ferrari driver and put it out of her mind. Until she came across comments from the said immigrants defending the Ferrari driver by blaming the Taxi driver for not checking the road before moving off.

*insert atomic bomb explosion*

Look at the video of the crash. Er, very violent images ahead, you have been warned.

Now rewind and count how many seconds the light turns green and the unlucky cab crosses the path of the Ferrari. About 4-5 seconds yes? Before the light turns green, there is a gap of time between the red light on the left, before the lights turn green in favor of the taxi yes? On large junctions like this, the gap is usually at least 3 seconds long, (though I wouldn't be surprised if it was 5 seconds). Factor in another 5-7 seconds for when the light turns from yellow to red on the Ferrari's side. That makes a grand total of at least 14 seconds.


At the rate the Ferrari was travelling before impact, I estimate it to be above 100kph, though I think it's closer to 120kph. Simple math would suggest that Ferrari was actually pretty far away from the traffic light and the junction when it started turning yellow. It meant that, the STUPID foreigner simply carried on his merry little way that ended with a huge climax, (if there was a fireball, it would have been a crash worthy on Hollywood).

Why would anyone, ANYONE, say the Taxi driver was at fault?

a.) The light was in the Taxi Driver's favor
b.) He wouldn't be able to see the Ferrari on the road because stupid cars like that are low and the adjacent road was blocked from view
c.) Even if he did see the Ferrari after he crossed into the path of the Ferrari, what was the taxi driver supposed to do? Teleport?

Sorry, M just finds it annoying that people side with stupidity for the sake of saving the face of their countrymen. It also didn't help that the newspapers her mom is bringing home sing praises of the stupid Ferrari driver, who according to eyewitnesses, reeked of alcohol and had a woman beside him who was not his wife. (His pregnant wife was at home with their young child)

Wow, it's so tragic a cheating husband died by his own hands. Wait no, this young successful man didn't cause the crash, it was the taxi driver's fault! WHO SAID THE TAXI DRIVER COULD DRIVE WHEN IT IS THE GREEN LIGHT AND WHY DIDN'T HE CHECK BEFORE MOVING OFF?

On a happier note, today is the day Diablo III is out. If there was a world full of epic events, Diablo III would be king! All hail evil!

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